JC48CWB・N3 中級1 (前半)・5月27日(一)19:00-20:30・ 銅鑼灣校
日語學校 和達知創作社 Watashi Create 銅鑼灣校 14/F, Sang Woo Building, No.227-228 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay【對象】完成 N4 初中級2 (後半) 【學費】每期 HK$4,800- 【教材費】HK$286- (如果有書本,不需再購買。) 【人數】3人以上開班,不多於6人,名額有限,先到先得。 【上課地點】銅鑼湾校 【上課日期】逢星期(一) 19:00-20:30 【Target】Those who have finished N4 Elementary 2 (2nd half) 【Tuition fee】HK$4,800- per term 【Textbook fee】 HK$286- (If you already have books, there is no need to purchase them again) 【Quota】 3-6 students (First come, first served) 【Location】CWB Centre…
JC167T・N5 初級1 (前半)・6月6日(四) 19:00-21:00・ 尖沙咀校
日語學校 和達知創作社 Watashi Create 尖沙咀校 Unit 329 & 330,3/F.,Hankow Centre, 5-15 Hankow Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon【對象】沒有學過日語 【學費】每期 HK$4,800- 【教材費】HK$330- (如果有書本,不需再購買。) 【人數】3人以上開班,不多於6人,名額有限,先到先得。 【上課地點】尖沙咀校 【上課日期】逢星期(四) 19:00-21:00 【Target】Those who have never studied Japanese 【Tuition fee】HK$4,800- per term 【Textbook fee】 HK$330- (If you already have books, there is no need to purchase them again) 【Quota】 3-6 students (First come, first served) 【Location】Tsim Sha Tsui Centre 【Date] Every (Thursday) 19:00-21:00…
JC168CWB・N5 初級1 (前半)・6月7日(五) 19:00-21:00・ 銅鑼湾校
日語學校 和達知創作社 Watashi Create 銅鑼灣校 14/F, Sang Woo Building, No.227-228 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay【對象】沒有學過日語 【學費】每期 HK$4,800- 【教材費】HK$330- (如果有書本,不需再購買。) 【人數】3人以上開班,不多於6人,名額有限,先到先得。 【上課地點】銅鑼湾校 【上課日期】逢星期(五) 19:00-21:00 【Target】Those who have never studied Japanese 【Tuition fee】HK$4,800- per term 【Textbook fee】 HK$330- (If you already have books, there is no need to purchase them again) 【Quota】 3-6 students (First come, first served) 【Location】Causeway Bay Centre 【Date] Every (Friday) 19:00-21:00 …
JC130CWB・N4 初中級1(後半)・6月7日(五)19:00-21:00・銅鑼灣校
日語學校 和達知創作社 Watashi Create 銅鑼灣校 14/F, Sang Woo Building, No.227-228 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay【對象】完成N4初中級1前半 【學費】每期 HK$4,800- 【教材費】HK$257- (如果有書本,不需再購買。) 【人數】3人以上開班,不多於6人,名額有限,先到先得。 【上課地點】銅鑼灣校 【上課日期】逢星期(五)19:00-21:00 【Target】Those who have finished N4 Elementary 1 (1st half) 【Tuition fee】HK$4,800- per term 【Textbook fee】 HK$257- (If you already have books, there is no need to purchase them again) 【Quota】 3-6 students (First come, first served) 【Location】CWB Centre 【Date] Every (Friday) 19:00−21:00…
JC107CWB・N4 初中級2 (後半)・6月19日(三)19:00 – 20:30・銅鑼灣校
日語學校 和達知創作社 Watashi Create 銅鑼灣校 14/F, Sang Woo Building, No.227-228 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay【對象】完成N4 初中級2 前半 【學費】每期 HK$4,800- 【教材費】HK$257- (如果有書本,不需再購買。) 【人數】3人以上開班,不多於6人,名額有限,先到先得。 【上課地點】銅鑼灣校 【上課日期】逢星期(三)19:00 - 20:30 【Target】Those who have finished N4 Elementary 2 (1st half) 【Tuition fee】HK$4,800- per term 【Textbook fee】 HK$257- (If you already have books, there is no need to purchase them again) 【Quota】 3-6 students (First come, first served)…
JC170C・N5 初級1 (第一期)・7月3日(三) 19:00-21:00・ 中環校
日語學校 和達知創作社 Watashi Create 中環校 12/F, LKF 29, 29 Wyndham Street, Central【對象】沒有學過日語 【學費】每期 HK$4,800- 【教材費】HK$330- (如果有書本,不需再購買。) 【人數】3人以上開班,不多於6人,名額有限,先到先得。 【上課地點】中環校 【上課日期】逢星期(三) 19:00-21:00 【Target】Those who have never studied Japanese 【Tuition fee】HK$4,800- per term 【Textbook fee】 HK$330- (If you already have books, there is no need to purchase them again) 【Quota】 3-6 students (First come, first served) 【Location】Central Centre 【Date] Every (Wednesday) 19:00-21:00 …
JCS12C・旅行会話 初級・7月5日(五)12:00-13:00・中環校
日語學校 和達知創作社 Watashi Create 中環校 12/F, LKF 29, 29 Wyndham Street, Central「去日本旅行不時遇到語言不通的問題?」 "Have you encountered any language barrier when travelling to Japan?" 就讓我們的日本人導師教授超實用的旅遊日語 — 吃喝住行會話懶人包 🧳🗾✨ Our native Japanese instructors will teach you all the basics you need to know 👘 文法大概完成了,但沒有信心用日語和日本人溝通?🗣 Familiar with basic Japanese grammar but not confident enough to communicate in Japanese? 💭 學過日語 但上課時聽課多, 說的機會少,…
JCS13C・旅行会話 初級・7月5日(五)12:30-13:30・中環校
日語學校 和達知創作社 Watashi Create 中環校 12/F, LKF 29, 29 Wyndham Street, Central「去日本旅行不時遇到語言不通的問題?」 "Have you encountered any language barrier when travelling to Japan?" 就讓我們的日本人導師教授超實用的旅遊日語 — 吃喝住行會話懶人包 🧳🗾✨ Our native Japanese instructors will teach you all the basics you need to know 👘 文法大概完成了,但沒有信心用日語和日本人溝通?🗣 Familiar with basic Japanese grammar but not confident enough to communicate in Japanese? 💭 學過日語 但上課時聽課多, 說的機會少,…
JCS14T・旅行会話 初級・7月5日(五)20:00-21:00・尖沙咀校
日語學校 和達知創作社 Watashi Create 尖沙咀校 Unit 329 & 330,3/F.,Hankow Centre, 5-15 Hankow Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon「去日本旅行不時遇到語言不通的問題?」 "Have you encountered any language barrier when travelling to Japan?" 就讓我們的日本人導師教授超實用的旅遊日語 — 吃喝住行會話懶人包 🧳🗾✨ Our native Japanese instructors will teach you all the basics you need to know 👘 文法大概完成了,但沒有信心用日語和日本人溝通?🗣 Familiar with basic Japanese grammar but not confident enough to communicate in Japanese? 💭 學過日語 但上課時聽課多, 說的機會少,…
JC159C・N2 中上級1 (後半)・7月6日(六)13:00-15:00・中環校
日語學校 和達知創作社 Watashi Create 中環校 12/F, LKF 29, 29 Wyndham Street, Central【對象】完成 N2 中上級1 (前半) 【學費】每期 HK$4,800- 【教材費】HK$286- (如果有書本,不需再購買。) 【人數】3人以上開班,不多於6人,名額有限,先到先得。 【上課地點】中環校 【上課日期】逢星期(六)13:00-15:00 【Target】Those who have finished N2 Upper Intermediate 1 (1st half) 【Tuition fee】HK$4,800- per term 【Textbook fee】 HK$286- (If you already have books, there is no need to purchase them again) 【Quota】 3-6 students (First come, first served) 【Location】Central Centre…
JCF114C・N4復習・7月6日(六)17:00 – 19:00・中環校
日語學校 和達知創作社 Watashi Create 中環校 12/F, LKF 29, 29 Wyndham Street, Central【對象】完成N4學習,但希望重溫所學知識的人士 【學費】每期 HK$4,800- 【教材費】HK$264- (如果有書本,不需再購買。) 【人數】3人以上開班,不多於6人,名額有限,先到先得。 【上課地點】中環校 【上課日期】逢星期(六)17:00 - 19:00 【Target】Those who have completed the N4 level, but wish to review and reinforce their knowledge 【Tuition fee】HK$4,800- per term 【Textbook fee】 HK$264- (If you already have books, there is no need to purchase them again) 【Quota】 3-6 students (First…
JCS15CWB・初級 旅行会話・7月8日(一)12:30-13:30・ 銅鑼灣校
日語學校 和達知創作社 Watashi Create 銅鑼灣校 14/F, Sang Woo Building, No.227-228 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay「去日本旅行不時遇到語言不通的問題?」 "Have you encountered any language barrier when travelling to Japan?" 就讓我們的日本人導師教授超實用的旅遊日語 — 吃喝住行會話懶人包 🧳🗾✨ Our native Japanese instructors will teach you all the basics you need to know 👘 文法大概完成了,但沒有信心用日語和日本人溝通?🗣 Familiar with basic Japanese grammar but not confident enough to communicate in Japanese? 💭 學過日語 但上課時聽課多, 說的機會少,…