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兒童日語暑期課程|Summer Course for Kids・7月8月・銅鑼灣校

03/07 @ 14:00 - 30/08 @ 16:00

🍉🌻 兒童暑期課程|Kids Summer Course 🌻🌈


🌟🎉 讓孩子們在暑假中探索新世界🎈🏖️
🌟🎉 Discover a New World with Your Children This Summer 🎈🏖️


Would you like your children to embark on thrilling adventures this summer?
Let’s enroll them in our thoughtfully designed “Children’s Summer Program” and let them have fun while learning Japanese! 🎐


🌈🎨 我們的課程特色:
🌈🎨 Our program offers the following highlights:


🤹‍♂️ 每堂課分為「互動會話」和「文化探索」兩部分,讓孩子們全方位地感受日語的樂趣和魅力
🤹‍♂️ Each class is divided into “Interactive Conversations” and “Cultural Exploration,”
providing children with a comprehensive and enjoyable experience of the fascinating aspects of the Japanese language.

👩‍🏫 專業的日本教師將帶領他們一起探索日語的魅力,確保純正的發音和專業的教學
👩‍🏫 Our team of professional Japanese teachers will guide them in exploring the beauty of the Japanese language,
ensuring authentic pronunciation and expert instruction.

📚 採用由鈴木校長親自編寫的兒童日語教材,兼具趣味性和教育性,讓學習更加生動有趣!
📚 We utilize children’s Japanese textbooks personally written by Principal Suzuki,
which are not only entertaining but also educational, making the learning process lively and enjoyable!


Allow your kids to learn and play to their heart’s content this summer,
while establishing a solid foundation for their future language development. ✨

Join us now and embark on an exciting journey into the captivating world of Japanese together! 💫


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📆📍 課程詳情 Course Details

每堂2小時 共4堂
2 hours per lesson 4 lessons in total


【對象 / Terget】

Children aged 4-11
(No prior knowledge of Japanese required)


【上課地點 / Place】

銅鑼灣校 Causeway Bay Centre

尖沙咀校 TST Centre


【上課日期 / Date】


🌻<A班> 7月 星期三 課程 July course on Wednesday

7月3日,7月10日,7月17日,7月24日 (三)

逢星期三 Every Wednesday 14:00-16:00 @銅鑼灣校 CWB Centre


🈵<B班> 7月 星期五 課程 July course on Friday

7月5日,7月12日,7月19日,7月26日 (五)

逢星期五 Every Friday 14:00-16:00 @銅鑼灣校 CWB Centre


🈵<C班> 8月 星期三  課程 August course on Wendesday

8月7日,8月14日,8月21日,8月28日 (三)

逢星期三 Every Wednesday 14:00-16:00 @銅鑼灣校 CWB Centre


🈵<D班> 8月 星期五 課程 August course on Friday

8月9日,8月16日,8月23日,8月30日 (五)

逢星期五 Every Friday 14:00-16:00 @銅鑼灣校 CWB Centre



🌻<E班> 8月 星期一 課程 August course on Monday


  逢星期一 Every Monday 14:00-16:00 @尖沙咀校 TST Centre


🌻<F班> 8月 星期四 課程 August course on Thursday


  逢星期四 Every Thursday 14:00-16:00 @尖沙咀校 TST Centre


名額 / Quota】
3~8位 3~8 seats

【費用 /

Regular price
Early bird (Deadline: 31 May)

Tuition + book fee:

HK$1743 HK$1530

👇👇 教材費包含以下原創教材 👇👇
👇👇 Book fee includes our original materials below 👇👇


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【課程内容 / Content】


55分 日語單詞及會話
55 mins Japanese vocabularies & conversation

10分 小休
10 mins Break

55分 日本文化體驗
55 mins Japanese cultural activity 


Vocabularies & Conversation (55 mins)
Cultural Activity (55 mins)
1st lesson
打招呼/數字 Greetings/numbers 折紙 Origami
2nd lesson
顏色/形容詞 Colors/adjectives 粘土 Clay
3rd lesson
身體部位/形狀 Body & face parts/shapes 繪畫 Painting
4th lesson
動物 Animals 書道 Shodo (Japanese Calligraphy)


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Make your children’s summer abundant with laughter and the joy of learning! 🌞📚🎈


名額有限!立即點擊以下連結報名參加 Apply Now ⏰📣
Limited spaces available! Click the link below to apply now. ⏰📣


03/07 @ 14:00
30/08 @ 16:00
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和達知創作社 Watashi Create