2024年第2回JLPT考前衝刺班|11月 尖沙咀校

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2024年第2回JLPT考前衝刺班|11月 尖沙咀校

2024/11/03 @ 10:00 - 2024/11/24 @ 21:00

[2024 Second JLPT Intensive Course]


Less than two months left until the December JLPT Japanese Language Proficiency Test! Are you ready?


🔥為什麼選擇我們的衝刺班?|Why choose our intensive course?

・解題速度太慢?我們教你快速答題技巧!Struggling with slow answering speed? We teach you quick answering techniques!

・聽力跟不上?跟著日本人老師提升聽解能力!Can’t keep up with listening? Improve your listening skills with native Japanese teachers!

・不懂解題訣竅?經驗資深的日藉老師指導你掌握解題要點!Unsure about answering strategies? Experienced Japanese instructors will guide you to master key points!


✨課程特色|Course Features

1)小班制教學(4-8人),針對性強 Small class sizes (4-8 people) for targeted learning

2)日本資深教師親自授課 Classes taught by experienced Japanese teachers

3)全方位提升:聽解、閱讀、文法、詞彙 Comprehensive improvement: listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary

4)獨家解題技巧,助你事半功倍 Exclusive answering techniques to maximize your efficiency




📚適合對象|Suitable For

・備戰12月JLPT的考生 Students preparing for the December JLPT

・想短時間內提升日語實力的學習者 Learners who want to quickly improve their Japanese skills

・需要專業指導的自學者 Self-learners needing professional guidance




💰超值學費方案|Value-for-Money Tuition Plans

[4-Class Package] Early Bird Price: HK$2100 (Original Price: HK$2600)

Bonus: Short-term Master JLPT Drill (by level)

[Single Class] Early Bird Price: HK$600 (Original Price: HK$650)

※需自備教材或現場購買(+HK$143)Textbooks are required for purchase (+HK$143). If you already have them, there is no need to buy them 


Early Bird Offer Ends: October 28

[Class Size] Minimum 4 students, maximum 8. Limited spots available, first come, first served.




📅上堂日期(共4堂 每堂2小時)|Class Dates (4 classes, 2 hours each)

Dates: November 3, 10, 17, 24 (Sundays)

Location: Tsim Sha Tsui Centre


🕒 各級別時間|Class Times by Level

N5: 13:00-15:00(加藤 歩未 Kato Ayumi 先生)

N4: 10:00-12:00(加藤 歩未 Kato Ayumi 先生)

N3: 17:30-19:30(三浦 季久 Miura Suehisa 先生)

N2: 15:00-17:00(三浦 季久 Miura Suehisa 先生)

N1: 19:30-21:30(三浦 季久 Miura Suehisa 先生)


老師介紹|Instructor Introduction:

三浦 季久 Miura Suehisa 先生

加藤 歩未 Kato Ayumi 先生


🚀立即行動!名額有限,先到先得!Take action now! Limited spots available, first come, first served!


2024/11/03 @ 10:00
2024/11/24 @ 21:00


日語學校 和達知創作社 Watashi Create 尖沙咀校
Unit 329 & 330,3/F.,Hankow Centre, 5-15 Hankow Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui
Kowloon, Hong Kong
+ Google Map
+852 5542 1222
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和達知創作社 Watashi Create