JCS17C・旅行会話初級(第一期) ・10月5日(六)18:00-19:00・中環校
05/10 @ 18:00 - 28/12 @ 19:00
“Have you encountered any language
barrier when travelling to Japan?”
— 吃喝住行會話懶人包 🧳🗾✨
Our native Japanese instructors will teach you
all the basics you need to know 👘
Familiar with basic Japanese grammar
but not confident enough to communicate in Japanese? 💭
但上課時聽課多, 說的機會少, 想多些機會講? 😲
Have studied Japanese before but listen in most of the time.
Want more chances to practice speaking?
Have studied Japanese
but not enough practice in daily life? ✨
Small group teaching (minimum of 3 pax)
Each class will have a specific topic
每間校舍都有繪本提供喔 📚
You are welcome to bring your children along
as we have a common area for them to play around
with a collection of children’s books 📖🌻
【水平】初級 N5(至少能讀平假名、片仮名及基礎日語)
【學費】每期 HK$3,000-
【Level】Beginner N5 (Able to read Hiragana, Katakana and basic Japanese)
【Tuition fee】HK$3,000- per term
【Quota】 3-6 students (First come, first served)
【Location】Central Centre
【Date] Every (Saturday)18:00-19:00
10月5日 12日 19日 26日
11月2日 9日 16日 23日 30日
12月7日 14日 28日
(1-year course, 4 semesters, 12 classes each, 1 hour each class.)
【課程內容|Course content】
申請 Apply Now
歡迎中途參加 🙌Welcome to join in the middle of the course ❣️☺️
*This course does not have make-up classes.
Under a Black Rainstorm Warning, or with the hoisting of a Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above, classes will be conducted online. Classes scheduled to commence within 2 hours after the signal is lowered will also be conducted online.